Project Overview

Brookfield Renewable proposes to repower the Mesa Wind site. The repowering of Mesa Wind would remove approximately 460 legacy turbines and install 8 new Wind Turbine Generators with a total power production of 30 megawatts (MW). The new WTGs would be entirely within the existing Bureau of Land Management (BLM) right of wat (ROW). Brookfield would leave the foundations of the legacy turbines in place until the site is decommissioned, estimated to be after the 30-year life of the repowered project. The construction required to repower Mesa Wind would temporarily disturb about 70 acres for the entire project (WTG work areas, laydown area, and temporary access roads) and permanently disturb 20 acres for the entire project (including new WTG foundations and slightly wider existing on-site roads). About 21 acres of the planned disturbance area are currently disturbed by the existing wind project, such as access roads and work areas. The O&M building would remain in the same location and all substation work for the repower would be completed within the existing substation fence.

What's new

Currently, almost 90,000 feet (17 miles) of roadway are located on the site. During the repower, approximately 62,000 feet (11.7 miles) of roadway would be removed and reclaimed by scarifying the compacted road bed and planting native seeds during the appropriate season. Because the roads would be used at a later date to remove the legacy turbine foundations, major grading or moving of rocks would not occur. Approximately 28,000 feet (5.3 miles) of existing on-site roadway would be graded and widened to accom¬modate new WTG transport, and 4,100 feet (0.78 mile) of new access road would be constructed to the new WTG pads.

About Mesa Re-Power

Public Safety

During Construction

Please respect all fencing, signage and safety indications;

they are in place to ensure your safety and that of employees

and consultants working on the project.